Implantology, Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary

Guided Immediacy: the Full Arch !

Course Instructor

Course Description

Immediacy is the new norm in Implant Dentistry! Flapless implant placement in the extraction socket combined with immediate provisional restoration is not only time-efficient but also a minimally invasive treatment approach that can maintain the soft and hard tissue architecture and serve the patient with predictable long-term success! Combined with the complexities of the fully edentulous patient, Guided Immediacy could be a game changer in your practice! This course will get you ready to upgrade your skills with step-by-step presentation of theory and techniques, live guided surgery and realistic hands-on exercises in the fully edentulous jaw!

Course Outline

Rather than a single technique or approach,
Guided Immediacy is an evidence-based, precision workflow:

  1. Proper patient selection
  2. Comprehensive Digital Planning,
  3. Precision Diagnostics and Prosthetic Design 
  4. Flapless Guided Surgery with static or dynamic (navigation) technologies.
  5. Prefabricated  Prosthesis for immediate loading
  6. Maintenance

What is this course about:
This course is an introduction to guided immediacy for  immediate loading of fully edentulous patients. It is suitable for clinicians with experience in advanced scenaria of  implant placement. The course aims to present in detail the workflow for immediacy step by step, discussing the latest evidence and best practice for patient selection, the principles of surgical and restorative planning and finally the preparation and execution of flapless guided surgery in fresh extraction sockets. The course will present both static and dynamic (navigation) technologies and protocols. It will be highly clinical following clinical cases and videos and will focus on decision making, techniques and best practice but also limitations, problems and complications that may arise and how to manage them. Finally, the course includes realistic hands-on exercise where the participants can test the workflow from start to end, digitally planning, guided placement and immediate restoration of full arch.

In this course you will learn:

  1. When is immediacy a good option for your patient!
  2. When flap, when flapless and immediate loading can serve your best long term outcomes!
  3. Immediacy in edentulous patients: diagnistics, planing , case selection and protocols!
  4. Which are the secrets in the comprehensive digital design to achieve flawless predictable long term success!
  5. How the prosthesis design can support health or predispose to problems.
  6. How to decide restorative design, provisional or permanent restoration .
  7. How to work with guided surgery, static and dynamic from planning to preparation and execution. What to be careful of, what can go wrong and how to manage unexpected problems!
  8. Hard and soft tissue augmentations, when what and how!


2,000 USD – Early Bird  (by 31st July)
2,500 USD – Normal  (after 1st August)

In the hands-on you will go step by step in the process:

  1. Digital treatment planning with Co-Diagnostix
  2. Design and assessment of surgical guide
  3. Implant placement with Guided Surgery in the aesthetic zone and posterior.
  4. Tissue augmentation
  5. Restoration with prefabricated Immediate provisional 



Course Details


2 Days


2000 USD

Location: Dentopia Academy


13-14 Sept 2025


Advanced - Complex


Immediate Implants - Guided Surgery

Hands-on / Simulation

Live Surgery



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